1) Wear the bikini around the house.
Doing this will allow you to get physically comfortable in your swimsuit. You'll be able to get accustomed to how it feels on your body. Think of it as a dress rehearsal. Make sure to move around and jiggle in your bikini. You'll be able to work out any fit issues such as how tight you like to wear your straps and if the size is right for you before going outside.

2) Look in the mirror without judgement.
Try to gaze upon your form from a neutral standpoint. This will be hard at first and its ok if your thoughts aren't perfect. If you find your mind wandering to a negative space take a deep breath and step away for a moment. This will take more than one try but each time it will become a little easier.
3) Take photos/videos in your swimsuit.
Find nice natural lighting and strike poses that make you feel good about yourself. If you don't know what types of poses to strike, follow plus size models on social media and learn from them. You don't have to post these photos, they can be just for you or to share with a loved one. ;)

4) Follow body positive/fat positive accounts on social media.
We are most critical towards ourselves. If you can see the beauty in another fat body, you can see it in yourself. Find plus size influencers that have a similar body type to you. When we surround ourselves with body diversity it can help our insecurities melt away.
5) Invite a trusted friend to your first bikini outing.
Invite the friend that will hype you up and never criticize how you look (if you have friends that make negative comments about your body or fat bodies in general, dump them). There's safety in numbers and having a friend to support you will make your first time out in a bikini a lot easier.
6) Bring a coverup, just in case.
If you don't feel fully comfortable baring it all in your first outing, that's ok! Bring a skirt, a t-shirt dress, or swim trunks. You can micro dose how much skin you show by taking baby steps towards only wearing the bikini. If the moment becomes overwhelming or the vibes are off you can always retreat into the safety of your comfort outfit.

7) Step out of your comfort zone.
Most people don't enjoy feeling uncomfortable but sometimes when we feel uncomfy it means we're growing as a person or learning something. If you've worn a high waisted bikini and been fine, next time wear the more revealing string bikini! It can feel exhilarating and empowering to throw your middle finger up to society's beauty standards and fully embrace your body in all its glory.
I hope that these tips are able to set you on the path of rocking your first bikini as a fat person! If you found any of these tips particularly useful or if you have tips of your own that I didn't mention here, leave a comment!
you are an angel. a doll. a rockstar. love love LOVE the combination of (incredibly) practical advice and traua-informed reassurance. I wish I could show a picture of how my face BEAMED when I saw the included picture of morg :)
Thank you for being a champion for fat women! I so needed this when I was younger and I still need it today. Our body is our body and accepting it only makes us happier and healthier. While I’m not ready to wear a bikini, I love having a hype woman to tell you how good you look! <3
These are great tips! I think everybody has something to be self conscious about; but I believe if someone is judging you poorly for your appearance then they probably aren’t fun to hang out with anyways. Body shape, skin type, scars, birthmarks, stretch marks – I’m telling you, none of it matters to me! I love your clothing line and all these fun patterns.